Monday, November 25, 2019

Apply the Theoretical Approach to the Case Study Essays

Apply the Theoretical Approach to the Case Study Essays Apply the Theoretical Approach to the Case Study Essay Apply the Theoretical Approach to the Case Study Essay Use the Theoretical Approach to the Case Study Transference can be a powerful curative tool or a unsafe and counterproductive obstruction to fostering therapy. It is a procedure that triggers one’s memory to believe of a individual or clip period related to a individual in his/her life ( Woodhouse et. al. , 2003 ) . This trigger may take to projection, which can be defined as projecting the interaction between a known individual in one’s life onto another individual who is similar in facial look, voice or idiosyncrasies. In therapy, clients sometimes begin to associate to their healers as they did with person else in their lives ( Conner, 2001 ) . Counter-transference occurs when a healer treats the client as person that is or was familiar in the therapist’s personal life. Undetected, counter-transference can potentially be extremely damaging to the client’s wellbeing. Sometimes, healers may even respond to a client’s transference issues by reacting in counter-transference ( Shahar, 2004 ) . Many cases of transference and counter-transference are detected in the instance of Dr. Notcut and his clients, Arnold and Betty Celtic. It is interesting to first reference the sarcasm of Dr. Notcut’s reluctance to supply curative services to the Celtics, although he was non precisely certain why this was so. It appears, nevertheless, that Dr. Notcut felt that Mr. Celtic’s petition for therapy was slightly superficial and indefensible. However, it could besides be possible that it was due to Dr. Notcut’s subconscious sensing of possible counter-transference. This irony highlights the fact that the phenomena of transference and counter-transference can non be easy detected or predicted. It is a procedure that alternatively unravels in the procedure of therapy over clip. Although descriptions of Dr. Notcut’s relationship with her gramps was non discussed for some clip within the instance description, Dr. Notcut began doing elusive mentions to his gramps early on in his relationship with the Celtics. Dr. Notcut described the Celtics manner of dressing in what his gramps would name a â€Å"flat hat† and â€Å"bonnet† . Dr. Notcut identified a peculiar clip period of the clients’ lives to be comparative to his grandfather’s. This connexion to his gramps may hold been a elusive and benign one, peculiarly if it were an stray incident. However, it is observed that other possible issues of counter-transference occurred between Dr. Notcut and Mr. Celtic as therapy progressed. After seeing Arnold for some clip, Dr. Notcut had a dream. In the dream, Dr. Notcut experienced feelings of irritation and choler when Arnold was persistently laughed upon by others for acting a certain manner. The laughter was based on a gag initiated by Dr. Notcut. The events of the dream parallel really closely with Dr. Notcut’s described feelings of great fondness for but embarrassment toward his gramps. It is possible that counter-transference was happening as Dr. Notcut began to sympathize with and derive an apprehension of Arnold as he at the same time besides felt this empathy for his gramps. Therefore, he showed choler and perchance repent for roasting Arnold in his dream. Another country for possible counter-transference between Dr. Notcut and Arnold relates to similar parent-child relationships, in the sense that a relationship was basically non-existent between both work forces and their parents. Arnold’s parents, although present physically, were unavailable to him. As he stated, his male parent was an alcoholic, his female parent badly depressed. Dr. Notcut’s parents were besides physically present, based on his study that he visited them on a regular basis. However, as he stated, the relationship was superficial due to their dedication to their callings and deficiency of desire to raise a kid. Dr. Notcut mentioned during depth psychology that Arnold had â€Å"a deep-rooted fond regard to his father† . He added that Arnold’s ambivalency toward his male parent represented Arnold’s desire to both keep a valuable relationship with her male parent, but besides distance himself wholly. It is of import that Dr. Notcut expression within himself to detect his ain feelings toward his male parent ; and to besides screen out whether his reading is an integrating of his ain feelings and those of Arnold’s. Transference was besides detected between the Celtics. Betty mentioned that she was powerless since childhood due to her gender. Her household did non see her every bit to her male siblings, peculiarly her male parent. Therefore, Betty decided to recover control over her life as an grownup. This end to recover control was born out of her relationship with her household of beginning but was so applied to her matrimony. This determination surely led Betty to authorise herself and go a more self-asserting grownup. However, due to the transference that occurred, issues environing control in her matrimony appeared to be more hard to draw apart from household issues of control. It is besides interesting that Betty was one time the sensed â€Å"weak† individual in a relationship, and now taken complete control over state of affairss, even ruling them. Further, she even came to contemn failing and had great trouble associating to Arnold when he appeared to be weak. In her interactions with Arnold, it appears that she despises failing because it causes her to see her younger and â€Å"weaker† ego in Arnold’s minutes of failing. This transference is a contemplation of herself, but in a different clip in her life. Due to the complex nature of this signifier of transference, it can easy travel undetected and perpetuate a rhythm ; in this instance, a rhythm of control. Transference and counter-transference can be valuable tools in easing therapy and in the therapist self-reflecting sing his or her ain issues. However, these signifiers of processing may besides be damaging to the curative procedure. It is pertinent that clinicians continually self-reflect upon their ain purposes and connexions with a client’s personal narrative. Merely so can clients be served to the fullest potency. Mentions Conner, M.G. ( 2001 ) . Transference: Are you a biological clip machine? The Source. Shahar, Golan. ( 2004 ) . Transference–Countertransference: Where the ( political ) action is. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 14 ( 4 ) , 371-396. Woodhouse, S. , Schlosser, L.Z. , Crook, R. , .Ligiero, D. , A ; Gelso, C. J. ( 2003 ) . Client fond regard to therapist: Relations to transference and client remembrances of parental caregiving. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50 ( 4 ) , 395-408.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is a University Degree Necessary to success Essay

Is a University Degree Necessary to success - Essay Example Recent years have seen significantly many cases of success that are not directly linked to university education such as degrees. For example, some of the most successful people in the world such as Marc Zuckerburg and Bill Gates dropped out of college and only sought a degree later while already successful. This implies that a success is not dependent on a university degree. There are significantly high numbers of people in the world who are successful yet their success is not based on a university degree. In fact, the most successful people in the world today are not dependent on degrees. In the modern world, there is arguably more to life in relation to success than a university degree. Business oriented practices form the basics of success and effective business practices are not necessarily tied to degrees. The basic education offered up to the high school level is enough to offer knowledge on some of the most important dynamics of a successful business. Post high school education mainly lays emphasis and advances already known facts in relation to business. Additionally, a significantly high number of people in the modern day do not engage in careers that are directly linked to their majors in the university. For example, there are people who majored, say, in history yet their career is based on something different like a social media coordinator. There are many more people with a similar situation yet they are faring exceptionally well. In such situations little of the knowledge and education acquired in the university is applied yet in most cases performance is brilliant. This implies that degrees are not essential for good performance that consequently constitutes to success but rather determination and effort are crucial. The amount of resources spent acquiring university degrees are too high and can be used in an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What similarities and differences are there between historical and Essay

What similarities and differences are there between historical and scientific explanations - Essay Example Hence, scientists usually refuse to work in collaboration with historians and philosophers (Keller 2615). However, scientists should understand that the even though way they work and the way people from philosophy and historical field work are different, it does not mean that historians are wrong. Historians and philosophers use their creativity to reach conclusions. However, their creativity is based on the facts they have studied from the fragments available from the past and not based on the imagination. Even though their methods are different, their intention is one and that is to bring the truth in front of the world and let them know how things work. Hence, even though there are some similarities in the way the scientists and the historians work, there also are some differences and these differences make life a beautiful place to live. The theories developed by scientists have an intention of predicting a particular phenomenon (Peters 147). Their theories are developed to describe the functioning of a chosen subject in a scientific way. Scientists insist that the theories they develop are based on minute observation of the way the subject functions and hence, are able to predict the behavior of the subject in the future. According to Popper, a theory which tried to explain a phenomenon should also be able to tell how the phenomenon will function in the future (Peters 147). On the other hand, the theories developed by historians are not aimed at predating anything (Peters 147). The theories developed by historians aim at understanding the developmental stages of the event or an entity from the past (Peters 147). For example, their theories try to explain how people in ancient ages used to collect food, how they used to make clothes without machineries, what tools they used to fight animals etc. They are interested in understanding how the inhabitants lived their life in the past. Hence,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Leadership and Communication Problems within Criminal Justice Term Paper

Leadership and Communication Problems within Criminal Justice Organizations - Term Paper Example Leadership is vital component of an organization, which influences it ability to conduct its objective. Communication enhances information delivery in organization. Criminal justice is a sensitive area, which requires proper leadership structures and effective communication for effective service delivery. The role of criminal justice organization influence social and human development. Sociologists believe that social growth depend on the effectiveness of the criminal justice organization. This paper identifies leadership and communication problems within criminal justice organizations. 2. Importance of Leadership & Communication Leadership refers to devising a vision of the future and influencing people through communication of the vision and motivating people to overcome the hurdles (Easton 266). From the above definition, it is evident that influencing depends on a range of processes and factors, which vary with the choice of applied leadership theory. Criminal justice organizatio n such police force face leadership challenges associated with management style. Hierarchical leadership style or bureaucratic leadership style influences service delivery in the police force. Police officers face the challenge of making moral judgment verses following orders of their bosses. Largely, this problem leads to ineffective service delivery in this department. Studies reveal that many police officers have limited authority to make moral judgment because of nature of leadership style that the organization has applied. a) Issues & Problems In hierarchal leadership style, chain of command dictates flow of information from top authority to the bottom authority. For instance, in police force, police boss passes information to the immediate junior officer who in turn does the same to his juniors. This leadership style often leads to many problems associated with criminal justice organizations. The informal relationship between criminal justice organizations and other organizati on pose leadership challenge to criminal justice organizations ( al. 192). Police chief gets a lot of pressure from partner authorities, which influence service delivery in the department. Largely, the society gauges the effectiveness of leadership structures through actions on the ground without considering factors that influence the outcome. For instance, police chief handling issues touching on political interest must employ different leadership tactics in handling the matter. The external influence is a serious problem that influences criminal justice leadership structures and service delivery. Officers working in courts usually get orders from their seniors to handle some court issues in a particular manner. Court leadership structures and police leadership structures are different. The difference in structure influence service delivery to the society. Leadership structures in court apply democratic leadership style, which promotes collective participation in organ ization decision. On the other hand, police department applies autocratic leadership style, which promotes decision making from the top management (Easton 284). Autocratic leadership style delivers good results in emergencies. On the contrary, police department conduct several activities, which do not call for emergency actions. For example, investigations require

Friday, November 15, 2019

Programming Languages: Types and Uses

Programming Languages: Types and Uses 1. Introduction C Programming is a computer language that is structured and disciplined approach to program design. Its a good systems programming language. This is faster than java, more predictable performance and it has low level operations and it has a lot scope for bugs. This C programming has no Boolean type . It is used by using int false is zero and true is non-zero A simple C program int main()Text surrounded by /* and */ is ignored by computer and it is used to describe the program #include Preprocessor directive tells the computer to load contents of a certain file allows standard input/output operations C++ programs contain one or more functions, exactly one of which must be main and Parenthesis is used to indicate a function . int means that main returns an integer value and braces indicate a block.The bodies of all functions must be contained in braces . printf( Welcome to C!n ); Instructs computer to perform an action specifically and prints string of characters within quotes.Entire line is called a statement. All statements must end with a semicolon.- means escape character. Indicates that printf should do something out of the ordinary.n is the newline character return 0; A way to exit a function. return 0, in this case, means that the program terminated normally . Right brace } Indicates end of main has been reached. Linker When a function is called, linker locates it in the library and Inserts it into object program. If function name misspelled, linker will spot error because it cannot find function in library. Calculator This is use very frequently in everyday life by almost everyone . In this calculator we can only perform operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), division (%), multiplication(*), only integer valued functions. We get accurate values too . 2. Scientific Calculator This calculator can perform all the operations that normal calculator can do and it can also perform the operations like Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Inverse^-1 Angles: DEG, DMS, Time Memories: M, K1, K2 Programs: LRN, COMP, HLT, (x) 3. C-Programming 3.1 What is c- programming ? A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks . The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Java, and Pascal. Each language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. Regardless of what language you use, you eventually need to convert your program into machine language so that the computer can understand it. There are two ways to do this: compile the program , interpret the program . 3.2 Programming process 3.2.1 Analyze the Problem A programmer must know what information will go into the software, how it will process the information, and what will result. All software must work with three concepts to be successful: Input: Information that comes from an external source and enters the software an. Input can come from typing on a keyboard, from records in a database, or from clicking on image with the mouse Processing: Manages information according to a piece of softwares logic. Processing is what the software does to the input it receives. This can be anything from adding a few numbers together to mapping the earths climate. Output: The information software produces after it has processed input. Output can appear on a computer screen, in a printout, or in records in a database. 3.2.2 Develop an Algorithm Algorithms are the steps needed to solve a problem using pseudocode or flowcharts. After creating an algorithm, programmers will check it. A logic error is a mistake in the way an algorithm solves a problem. Programmers check their algorithms by inputting test data and checking the logic by hand or with a calculator. 3.2.3. Document the Program: pseudocode Pseudocode uses English statements to create an outline of the necessary steps for a piece of software to operate. Programmers call these steps an algorithm. An algorithm is a set of specific steps that solves a problem or carries out a task. While there is no set of rules for writing pseudocode, it usually follows rules such as: Using simple English, Putting one command on a line, Placing any important words in bold, Starting from the top and work toward the bottom, Separating processes with spaces to form modules. 3.2.4 Write Code for the Program Code is when a programmer translates an algorithm into a programming language. 3.2.5 Run the Program Programmers also use program flowcharts to plot the softwares algorithm. A program flowchart is a graphical depiction of the detailed steps that software will perform. Unlike pseudocode, which has less structure, in flowcharts programmers must use symbols. 3.2.6 Testing the programs Debugging the process of finding errors in software code. Bugs are a common name for software errors. When programmers debug code, they look for syntax, run-time, and logic errors. Syntax errors mistakes in a software codes grammar. If you are supposed to use a semi-colon (;) and you use a colon (:) instead, you have made a syntax error. Run-time errors mistakes that occur when a programmer runs the software code . Logic errors mistake made in the way an algorithm solves a problem. 4. Types of programming 4.1 Object-oriented programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is any programming language that uses objects to code software. An object instance is an exact copy of an object in OOP. An event-driven language responds to actions users perform on the program. Its an event when you click on a button, use a pull-down menu, or scroll down a window. In an event-driven language, each event triggers the program to action. An OOP program models the world of active objects. An object may have its own memory, which may contain other objects. An object has a set of methods that can process messages of certain types. A method can change the objects state, send messages to other objects, and create new objects. An object belongs to a particular class, and the functionality of each object is determined by its class. A programmer creates an OOP application by defining classes. 4.2 The Main OOP Concepts Inheritance: a subclass extends a superclass; the objects of a subclass inherit features of the superclass and can redefine them or add new features. Event-driven programs: the program simulates asynchronous handling of events; methods are called automatically in response to events. OOP Benefits Facilitates team development and Easier to reuse software components and write reusable software. Easier GUI (Graphical User Interface) and multimedia programming . 4.3 Web-programming Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the basic language for web programming. JavaScript a scripting language that allows you to add interactivity and other features to a Web page. Java Applets A small piece of software that enables applications to run on a Web page. Dynamic HTML combines cascading style sheets, JavaScript, etc., to bring high interactivity to Web sites. VBScript an interpreted scripting language based on Visual Basic. It is similar to JavaScript but only Microsofts Internet Explorer Web browser can use it. Software Development Tools Editor: programmer writes source code for te program. Compiler: translates the source into object code (instructions specific to a particular CPU). Linker: converts one or several object modules into an executable program. Debugger: stepping through the program in slow motion, helps find logical mistakes (bugs). 5. Array Group of consecutive memory locations and Same name and type To refer to an element, specifying Array name and Position number Format: arrayname[position number] First element at position 0 and n element array named c: c[0], c[1]c[n-1] Array elements are like normal variables c[0] = 3; printf( %d, c[0] ); Perform operations in subscript. If x = 3, c[5-2] == c[3] == c[x] When declaring arrays, specify: Name, Type of array, Number of elements arrayType arrayName[ numberOfElements ]; int c[ 10 ]; float myArray[ 3284 ]; Declaring multiple arrays of same type and Format similar to regular variables int b[ 100 ], x[ 27 ]; Examples Using Arrays Initializers int n[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; If not enough initializers r there, rightmost elements become 0 and If too many are there then its a syntax error. int n[5] = {0} All elements is 0 C arrays have no bounds checking and If size is omitted, initializers determine it int n[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 5 initializers, therefore 5 this iselement array Character arrays String hello is really a static array of characters and Character arrays can be initialized using string literals char string1[] = first; null character terminates strings string1 actually has 6 elements char string1[] = { f, i, r, s, t, }; Access individual characters string1[ 3 ] is character s Array name is address of array, so not needed for scanf scanf( %s, string2 ) ; Reads characters until whitespace encountered and Can write beyond end of arrays. 5.1 Interpretation interpreter = program that executes program statements and generally one line or command at a time for a limited processing and its easy to debug, make changes, view intermediate results. 5.2 Compilation translates statements into machine language and does not execute, but creates executable program to perform optimization over multiple statements in order to changing requires recompilation and it can be harder to debug, since executed code may be different. 5.3 Compiling a C Program Preprocessor macro substitution and conditional compilation of a source-level transformations and output is still C. 5.4 Compiler generates object file from machine instructions. Source Code Analysis is a front end parses programs to identify its pieces variables, expressions, statements, functions, etc. depending on language (not on target machine). Code Generation is a back end generating machine code from analyzed source may optimize machine code to make it run more efficiently very dependent on target machine. Symbol Table map between symbolic names and items like assembler, but more kinds of information. 5.5 Linker combine object files (including libraries) into executable image. 5.6 Sorting Arrays Sorting data is Important computing application and eventually every organization must sort some data into Massive amounts of sorted information. Bubble sort (sinking sort) has Several passes through the array and Successive pairs of elements are compared in order to increasing order (or identical ), no change is there If decreasing order is done and if elements exchanged. 6. Algorithms There are many fundamental problems that arise in engineering and other areas of application. These include sorting data, searching for specific data values, numerical integration, finding roots of functions, solving ordinary differential equations and solving systems of linear equations and We will spend about four weeks studying important algorithms for these problems. Algorithms are the steps needed to solve a problem using pseudocode or flowcharts. After creating an algorithm and its programmers check its logic. A logic error is a mistake in the way an algorithm solves a problem. Programmers check their algorithms by inputting test data and checking the logic by hand or with a calculator. 7. IDE à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Integrated Development Environment The integrated development environment Combines editor, compiler, linker, debugger, other tools and Has GUI (graphical user interface), Compiles + links + runs at the click of a button Helps put together a project with several modules (source files) . Compiler: checks syntax and generates machine-code instructions so that its not needed to run the executable program to run faster . Interpreter: checks syntax and executes appropriate instructions while interpreting the program statements and must remain installed while the program is interpreted so the interpreted program is slower. Platform independent . Load from the Internet faster than source code. Interpreter is faster and smaller than it would be for Java source. Source code is not revealed to end users. Interpreter performs additional security checks, screens out malicious code. 8. Preprocessor Directives #include Before compiling, copy contents of header file (stdio.h) into source code. Then Header files typically contain descriptions of functions and variables needed by the program. no restrictions it could be any C source code #define STOP 0 Before compiling, it replaces all instances of the string STOP with the string 0 Called a macro and its Used for values that wont change during execution, but might change if the program is reused. (Must recompile) . main Function Every C program must have a function called main(). This is the code that is executed when the program is running. The code for the function lives within brackets. main() { /* code goes here */ } Variable Declarations Variables are used as names for data items. And Each variable has a type, which tells the compiler how the data is to be interpreted (and how much space it needs, etc.). int counter; int startPoint; int is a predefined integer type in C. Input and Output Variety of I/O functions in C Standard Library. And must include to use them. printf(%dn, counter); String contains characters to print and formatting directions for variables. This call says to print the variable counter as a decimal integer, followed by a linefeed (n). scanf(%d, startPoint); String contains formatting directions for looking at input. This call says to read a decimal integer and assign it to the variable start Point . Can print arbitrary expressions, not just variables printf(%dn, startPoint counter); Print multiple expressions with a single statement printf(%d %dn, counter, startPoint counter); Different formatting options: %d decimal integer %x hexadecimal integer %c ASCII character %f floating-point number Examples of C-Programming *Program to implement an array #include #include #define MAX 3 void insert ( int *, int pos, int num ) ; void del ( int *, int pos ) ; void reverse ( int * ) ; void display ( int * ) ; void search ( int *, int num ) ; void main( ) { int arr[3] ; clrscr( ) ; insert ( arr, 1, 11 ) ; insert ( arr, 2, 12 ) ; insert ( arr, 3, 13 ) ; printf ( nElements of Array: ) ; display ( arr ) ; insert ( arr, 2, 222 ) ; insert ( arr, 3, 333 ) ; printf ( nnAfter insertion: ) ; getch( ) ; } { int i ; for ( i = MAX 1 ; i >= pos ; i ) arr[i] = arr[i 1] ; arr[i] = num ; } { int i ; for ( i = pos ; i arr[i 1] = arr[i] ; arr[i 1] = 0 ; } { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i { int temp = arr[i] ; arr[i] = arr[MAX 1 i] ; arr[MAX 1 i] = temp ; } } { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i { if ( arr[i] == num ) { printf ( nnThe element %d is present at %dth position., num, i + 1 ) ; return ; } } if ( i == MAX ) printf ( nnThe element %d is not present in the array., num ) ; } } *Program to allocate memory dynamically for strings, and store their addresses in array of pointers to strings #include #include #include #include void main( ) { char *name[5] ; char str[20] ; int i ; clrscr( ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i { printf ( Enter a String: ) ; gets ( str ) ; name[i] = ( char * ) malloc ( strlen ( str ) + 1 ) ; strcpy ( name[i], str ) ; } printf ( nThe strings are: ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i printf ( n%s, name[i] ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i free ( name[i] ) ; getch( ) ; } 9. Conclusion and future work Conclusion Finally the conclusion is that a small study on the C-programming and how it is used to built scientific calculator. Future work The future work is that to implement scientific calculator based on the c-programming .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Unequal But Not Separate :: Essays Papers

Unequal But Not Separate Enemy fire whizzes by, hitting the walls around behind me. The spent shells are scattered at my feet. The smell of death and gunpowder tantalizes my nose. In the distance I can hear the chopper hovering. All I can do is pray that it reaches us in time. Enemy fire begins again. I am lost in the smoke and confusion. Then Private Jackson falls to the ground behind me. He has been hit. Now his life is entrusted to me. The chopper is now hovering across the field about 100 yards away. I tuck my gun away and reach down to grab him. I try to put him over my shoulder, but I can’t lift him. I start to drag him toward the chopper. I struggle for about 25 yards. The pilot is waving me on, motioning me to hurry. I don’t have the strength. I can’t go any farther. The chopper has to go, it can’t wait any longer. I am alone with Private Jackson looking up at me in disbelief, knowing it is my fault we will both be dead in a matter of minutes. The military, the nation an d Private Jackson all had trusted me to make it and I had failed. Trust. It is the bond that holds our great military together. When this trust is broken our nation, as a whole will suffer the consequences. A soldier must have complete faith that his fellow soldiers, both male and female, will do their job so that he can focus on his. But what happens when double standards are employed for female soldiers? Can one expect a male soldier to completely trust her ability to complete her tasks as a soldier? The soldier knows full well that his female comrade didn’t have to perform the necessary physical tasks to the same standards that he did. How can one have confidence in her abilities if her performance would have been unacceptable had she been a male? The thread of trust begins to unwind once a soldier question another’s abilities. That is why one uniform standard had been in place throughout history. A soldier knew that the every other soldier could perform tasks to the same standard that he had. They had a common trust that held the m together. Now, with gender norming, the double standards used to ensure women pass the physical tests, we put the trust that held our military together in jeopardy.